How to Create a TV Show Watchlist

How to Create a TV Show Watchlist

As the landscape of entertainment continues to evolve, the array of TV shows available to viewers has expanded exponentially. We are now at a point where the decision of what to watch can be overwhelming, given the vast ocean of content waiting to be explored. Amid this abundance, creating a TV show watchlist can be a practical and rewarding way to streamline your viewing experience. A well-curated watchlist ensures you never miss out on gems and allows for a structured yet flexible approach to your leisure time. Here’s a detailed guide on how to create your perfect TV show watchlist.

Step 1: Determine Your Interests

The foundation of a great watchlist lies in understanding your preferences. Begin by asking yourself a few key questions:

    • What genres do you love? (e.g., drama, comedy, sci-fi, documentary)
    • Are there specific directors or producers whose works you enjoy?
    • Which actors or actresses do you like to follow?
    • Are there any themes or settings that particularly interest you? (e.g., historical, dystopian, medical)
      Creating a list of your preferences helps to narrow down the overwhelming number of choices.

Step 2: Research and Discovery

Once you’ve identified your interests, it’s time for some exploration:

    • Streaming Services: Browse through the libraries of popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, and HBO Max. These platforms regularly update their content and often feature curated lists that can provide recommendations based on your past viewing habits.
    • TV Show Review Sites: Websites like Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, and Metacritic offer ratings and reviews that can guide your choices. They also keep lists of top-rated shows across different genres.
    • Social Media and Forums: Engaging with communities on social media platforms like Reddit (e.g., r/television) or dedicated fan groups can yield personalized recommendations and give you a glimpse of trending shows.
    • Word of Mouth: Don’t overlook recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues. Personal endorsements can lead you to hidden gems you might not discover otherwise.

Step 3: Categorize Your Watchlist

Organize your watchlist into categories to make it more manageable and user-friendly:

    • Priority Watch: Shows you are eager to watch next.
    • Ongoing Series: Currently airing shows you’re following.
    • Completed Series: Shows that have finished airing and you intend to binge-watch.
    • Limited Series/Miniseries: Shorter series that you can complete quickly.
    • Classics and Must-Sees: Highly acclaimed shows you must watch but haven’t gotten around to yet.
      Using categories helps you decide what to watch based on your mood and available time.

Step 4: Utilize Tools and Apps

Streamline your watchlist by leveraging technology:

    • Apps: Various apps like TV Time, Hobi, and JustWatch can help you track what you’ve watched, what you’re watching, and what you plan to watch. These tools often provide notifications about new episodes and feature user reviews.
    • Streaming Platform Features: Many streaming services offer built-in watchlist features. Use these to add shows directly from their library, making it easy to keep track.
    • Spreadsheet: For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, creating a spreadsheet on Google Sheets or Excel can be a good option. Customize it with columns for show title, genre, number of seasons, where to stream, and personal notes or ratings.

Step 5: Balance Your Watchlist

It’s important to maintain a balanced watchlist to cater to all your viewing needs:

    • Genre Variety: Ensure you have a mix of genres. This prevents you from feeling burnt out from watching too much of the same type of content.
    • Length and Commitment: Mix shorter shows that can be completed quickly with longer series that might require more time and commitment. This way, you have options for different time constraints.
    • Mood and Tone: Balance shows with different moods and tones. For instance, having a light-hearted comedy lined up after a heavy drama can be refreshing.

Step 6: Stay Updated

The world of TV shows is dynamic, with new releases and updates happening frequently. To stay current:

    • Follow Entertainment News: Websites like Collider, Deadline, and Entertainment Weekly provide updates on new shows, renewals, cancellations, and more.
    • Follow Streaming Services: Follow your preferred streaming services on social media or subscribe to their newsletters for the latest releases and recommendations.
    • Regularly Review Your Watchlist: Set a monthly or bi-monthly schedule to review and update your watchlist. Remove shows you’ve watched or lost interest in, and add new ones that catch your eye.

Step 7: Be Flexible

Lastly, it’s crucial to remain flexible with your watchlist. While it serves as a guide, viewing should ultimately be enjoyable, not a chore:

    • Allow for Spontaneity: Sometimes, an impromptu recommendation or random discovery can become a new favorite.
    • Don’t Feel Obligated: If a show on your list no longer interests you, don’t hesitate to remove it. Your watchlist should cater to your current tastes and preferences.


Creating a TV show watchlist is an excellent way to manage the plethora of available content and optimize your viewing experience. By understanding your interests, doing thorough research, categorizing your choices, utilizing tools, balancing your list, staying updated, and remaining flexible, you can curate a personalized and dynamic watchlist that serves your entertainment needs. Remember, the ultimate goal is to enhance your viewing pleasure and make the process of choosing what to watch both efficient and enjoyable.


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