Google Guidelines to Run an Effective Marketing at Blogs

Google Guidelines to Run an Effective Marketing at Blogs

So your company is online and needs proper optimization to rank higher into the search results.

Off-course your answer should be YES.

But you need to be very careful because your mysterious offerings in order to receive online reputation might go wrong. Actually, I’m talking about your online marketing campaigns which deal with a relationship with the niche bloggers for getting buzz into the community. Bloggers love to write and they also could be bribed, so the companies or their PR agencies do offer the bribe to the bloggers in order to motivate them to write about the company giving a link back.

And offering the bribe to earn a link is something that is not good for Google’s search business. That’s why they posted a revised guideline about it over their official webmaster’s blog.

Best Practices to Run an Effective Marketing Campaign at Blogs

According to Google’s guideline, you need to do this:-

  • Don’t give freebies for Reviews
  • Ask for No-follow link
  • Try to Ask to disclose the type of post, for example, this post is Sponsored by ABC Company.
  • Ask to create high quality and unique post

cheap panel

Actually, How do they Do It

If you hired someone to look over your online businesses then you must know that how do they do it to hurt your business in the long run.

They write almost any Blogger, to complete your project. And their emails to bloggers, looks something like this one, that I use to receive so often.

How to make sure you are following the Google guidelines

If you are the only who is responsible for building the relationship with the bloggers, then it’s okay and you can do follow all the guidelines as mentioned by the Google but what to do when you have outsourced your work to an agency or freelancer?

  • Don’t outsource anyone from a random offer
  • Check the portfolio of that agency/freelancer
  • Ask not to go against any of the Google’s guidelines
  • Check yourself before finalizing the deal
  • Make sure you are not getting your work done for pennies

Because cheap work hurts in long run.

Hope you understood that what needs to fix and avoid next marketing outreach campaigns. If so, please do share this update with your friends so they also become aware of this life-changing guideline that Google released and every pro is already taking action about the same.


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